11 Types of Lightworkers

11 Types of Lightworkers

Lightworkers are souls who have chosen to incarnate on planet Earth at this time to work for the greater good of humankind. Each Lightworker has their own unique mission here. The general purpose of all Lightworkers is to embody high vibrational frequencies of energy, in order to raise up the vibration of the collective. Early in their lives these people had to face immense challenges, in order to work through their own healing so they can truly be authentic and carry the light for others and live out their unique purpose.

Here's the thing…

You don't need to be a spiritual leader or teacher to have an impact and inspire others. Maybe you work in the corporate world or with your hands in a trade, as a teacher in a classroom setting. People notice your drive, commitment, loyalty, positivity and love that you share into the world. Wherever you are, whatever you do, you are a unique individual on a journey of growth inspiring and connecting with others and that's really what it's about.

Just being yourself and in harmony with your truth is empowering. This is the kind of thing that inspires positive change and ignites the light in other souls.

There are 11 types of Lightworkers all with the same purpose, humanity. We are here to shift the collective consciousness, this service could be to heal humanity, lead humanity or inspire humanity to positive change.

As you look at identifying your Lightworker journey I encourage you to pay attention to your internal guidance, listen to your intuition to guide you and know that you can hold traits from multiple. You're on a personal journey of transformation, exploring the wisdom of your soul as you shed old beliefs and stories that no longer fit who you are becoming.

Be Brave. Be the Light. Be You.

Now let's dive into the different types of lightworkers and their traits.



These Lightworkers process the grids and gateways of planet Earth. They are the humans that connect the hearts of all the awakened humans. They connect the sacred sites on the planet through ley lines that serve as portals to act like a doorway by letting sacred light into the world through their wide open hearts. They are the kind of Empath who can sense the dark energy of a place when they enter. They use their love and compassion to transmute the dense and dark energies and can invoke the violet flame. Gatekeeping is a more advanced and evolved form of light work in which lightworkers come together to open interdimensional gates that allow more love and light to flow to the planet. Grid Workers bring light through already opened gateways.



Their core purpose is to embody light. No matter what the external circumstances they find themselves in, they always work to maintain a high vibrational frequency and a loving presence. They are a safe haven for people in traumatic and chaotic times where their light shines even brighter. They know how to make people feel at ease, relaxed and loved. Their desire to see others happy can override the desire for self preservation. Therefore it is important for Lightkeepers to take time off to recharge and do the inner work because these lightworkers give hope and inspire the entire humanity. They tend to be very charismatic people so you may notice most are spiritual teachers, motivational speakers, influencers or any individual with the power to motivate and uplift people.



Transmuters work on behalf of source and for the collective consciousness of humanity. They are frequency workers whose main work is to keep their frequencies high and transmute negative energies through them by releasing their light. They can also work alongside their ancestral lines and transmute past family karma. They are highly evolved souls who have been purposely chosen to be born into an ancestral line that has plenty of negative karma. They serve, release, dissolve, heal, and help the entire ancestral line’s vibration to go up. Timeline workers possess very powerful abilities magnified in their empathy. They believe that we are One and the choices of one affect others. They tend to draw in darker entities the stronger they become, their compassion to create a safe space and ability to transmute the energy is part of the work they are meant to do here.



Healers help practically everything, humanity, earth, animals, souls and all beings by healing their mental, emotional, physical or spiritual aspects. Most of them are empaths and sensitive individuals that are unrealized healers who must use their emotional abilities to unlock their healing potential. They are often endowed with clairvoyance, claircognizance or psychic abilities that will get activated when they start opening their internal guidance system. The most important task for this type of lightworker is to heal themselves so they can hold a higher vibration of light and love so they can heal, serve, support and guide others



These lightworks have opened their third eye or psychic sight by allowing them to see beyond the physical and the veil of illusion. They may have trouble connecting with others because they can see different timelines in one go that others can't access. Their gifts include giving readings or service to inspire, empower and guide others to their truth and the truth of the world. They also have the ability to focus on areas where energy is needed for healing, transmutation or release. This is where their light, power and presence makes a big difference. They are powerful manifestors so they have to be careful of what they put their attention on. They are also usually the ones who reveal the truth behind the shadows.



All of us have a unique Divine blueprint which is a template for our fully enlightened self. Divine blueprint holders are the most adept at tuning into their divide blueprint and retrieving the codes of awakening. They use sacred geometry or akashic records and other forms of sacred communication through their work. They are the best at translating awakening codes so that everyone can understand them and use them to raise their consciousness. They can be in any field or area of life but it's the ways you create and do things that matter. This is how they unconsciously communicate the Divine Plan. 



These Lightworkers serve humanity with their gift of dreaming, in interdimensional travel and entering the dream space that allows them to access other dimensions of the experience. They have out of body experiences voluntarily and also access akashic records, discover their purpose and how they can better help humanity evolve. They engage in dream work to access the alternate dimensions to get in flow states to be a conduit of universal creative energy and get ideas for path breaking innovations. 90% of inventions in art and technology are brought about by these creative spirits. 



These are the Lightworkers who receive guidance from Divine, Angel, Ascended Masters and their Higher Self. They share these messages through various mediums; videos, blogs, teaching or writing. Regardless of the media or platform the messengers serve humanity through the process of awakening, They have a way of  explaining to people what is happening to them and by sharing their own journey and messages from Spirit it helps to guide through the evolution process.



These Lightworkers have the ability to weave light into everything they do to manifest change on earth. This could show up as an intention and a manifestation of deadlines, manifesting positive events or creating a pattern for greater light, love and harmonious co-creation. They use their strong visualization techniques to help bring the manifestation to life and spread happiness to the world. Manifestors also have incredible meditation abilities which allow them to take their minds out of the boundaries of their physical bodies to invoke higher powers and make the manifestations come true. As with anyone, it's important to do the inner healing, manifestors must be mindful of what goes on in their head as they have an innate ability to manifest anything. 



These Lightworkers are here to show the way for others through their example. They embody the process of ascension and live their lives in the most authentic way. They focus on letting their Higher Selves take control of their lives and act as guides to help others reach this level of frequency. These people do not even know that they serve humanity one way or another. All that shows is the way to live in resonance with their truth. They are the heart of all Lightworkers. They are what inspires and motivates other lightworkers to continue to do what they do because people need their light.



They are ascended Lightworkers. They bring large levels of light and share what they learn about the ascension process. These people come to the brink of enlightenment and push beyond by questioning and incorporating higher levels of light. Mostly working with spiritual teachers so they can further the spiritual evolution of humanity. Ascending dimensions is not an easy process, your perspectives and beliefs will be challenged as you learn about the true meaning of life. The Ascension Guides show us how to overcome some of the pitfalls of the enlightenment process to help everyone not get lost on their journey. Some teachings may even contradict the regular teachings of lightworkers and this is because they come to the truth from a much higher point of view and easily see the flaws that could arise. These Lightworkers may come across as eccentric or hard to talk to but in reality, they are some of the warmest people. They will help you deal with any hiccups you may face on your enlightenment journey.

Final Words…

When you take off the rose colored glasses and begin to understand the true meaning of life, you realize the only place you need to look is inside yourself. Your soul knows the way. As you uncover more of your truths, heal old wounds and raise your vibration you connect with your soul on a deeper level, your intuition becomes louder, your path becomes clearer and you continue to grow sharing your light with the world. 

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