6 Signs You Get From The Universe You’re on The Right Path 

6 Signs You Get From The Universe You’re on The Right Path 

Growth isn't always fun but so worth it and sometimes you're so deep in it that you don't even realize what's happening in and around you until you get out of the shit, look back with clarity and have the ah ha moment that so much has changed. Music has always been a huge part of my world, so naturally I’ve always turned to music to help me through all the feels, from heartbreak and sadness to pissed off and excited and absolutely everything in between. I have a playlist for every mood. Some have hours of music, some have 4 songs and are perfect for when I need to just drop into my body, get out of my head and shift some energy. Below is a list of 6 signs from the Universe that you're raising your consciousness and aligned with your soul path, paired with a song from one of my playlists.


Sounds ass backwards right? Like your fighting an uphill battle, facing challenge after challenge being tested at every turn. This is the shit storm where everything that needs to come up does in order for you to shift it. So as these things arise and you're in it. Breathe and trust the process. This is the Universe's way of helping you develop the skills you need to succeed. These situations are making you stronger and teaching you things about yourself so don't give up. 

Florence + The Machine "it's always darkest before the dawn"  (Shake it out) 


The past is nice to think about from time to time, however when you are continuously reliving it, It can anchor you to the past experiences, these anchors create blocks in your energy body, which can show up as physical pain, illness and dis-ease. When you find yourself looking forward, thinking about the steps ahead, things you want to do, your dreams and desires you are aligning with that energy. Remember the law of attraction, the Universe hears your call for help to move forward and drops little nuggets in your path. Awareness is key, recognizing that you're moving towards your goals and cutting ties from the past that are holding you back.

Kai Straw "Show them who it made you


Friendships are important, we are social beings! Not everyone you meet is focused on helping you succeed and achieve YOUR goals. Some people unintentionally/intentionally hold you back making you believe your dreams are far out of reach. .When you align on the right path your relationships will appear to be strong. There are the kind of people that want to see you succeed and become the best version of you. Then there's the ones to cut ties from. You’ll meet new people aligned with similar beliefs and passions. Conversations you have with your family and friends will shift, some will be open to seeing you as you are, some won't and that is ok, remember we are all on our own journey here. 

India Arie “Strength Courage & Wisdom” 


You got the job you wanted, someone bought you a coffee, your hair appointment lined up, you got the promotion at work. The car pool schedule worked out in your favor, the local market has all your favorite fresh fruits. You easily make decisions and things fall into place. These little things are all part of the grand picture and a reminder that things can be simple. The Universe isn't going to give you everything all at once however it will give you drops of sunshine and show you you're in alignment. Be open to seeing the signs and be sure to thank Source, God, Spirit, Divine.

Lizzy Jeff “Drip”


Your intuition is on point! Those gut feelings are strong. You get clear answers on the questions you've been debating. You smile more. Take a breath, this feeling of simplicity is real and this can be your life. As humans on this earth we came here to grow, learn, love, heal and forgive. The wisdom and knowledge we search for is already within us, those brave enough to have the courage to step into the deep healing work access this and when you connect with your innate power. It's a connection to your soul, its purity of light and its remembering who you are.  This feeling, hold it, feel it in your body, your bones and keep leaning in.

Song - Amber Lily "Wild"


You feel at peace. You have faith it will all work out. You trust the process. You honor your emotions and share light and love to the world. This is a place of true alignment. That's not to say you're done healing and going through shit, the reality of life is we are always growing and learning. We take it in stride, we welcome the lessons, we don't ask why it's happening TO us because it's happening FOR us. Its all part of learning. We grow, shift, change, forgive, heal and do it all in a sacred place. 

Jonah Kest & Satsang "Sacred place"

Things to remember...

Awareness is key, have grace for yourself and others, and when you ask for a sign….be open to seeing and receiving it 

Xo Roxy

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1 comment

Thank you for this! I need to hear this today 🤍

Lynsay Lucas

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