How To Start Journaling

How To Start Journaling

My journals and gel pens have evolved over the years, from doodles and point form notes, to daily entries, moon cycle ceremonies and a mission to know and understand myself on a deeper level.

A few years ago I found one of my old journals in a box that somehow miraculously survived. As soon as I saw the corner of that crème leather binding with gold stripes, I was instantly transported back into the mind of my 15 year old self and WOW what a trip that was! 

When I was in my early 20s I discovered "Wreck this Journal". The creative destructive nature of the journal pushed me to do things outside of what was 'normal', made me laugh and allowed me to express my emotions in ways I never imagined. It was exactly perfect and just what I needed. 

Somewhere along the way I stopped using my journals. I didn't have time, didn't know what to write or where to start. Every time I opened it, all I saw was a blank page staring back at me. About 4 years ago I discovered the use of  journal prompts. At first I was unsure and I'll admit to being a little resistant to this new practice. However I sit here today writing this blog with the intention to introduce you to a form of therapy you can do in the comfort of your own space, in your own time, to better understand your true self. 

These journal prompts for healing will start you off in the world of journaling and I promise, it gets easier as time goes on. One of the best ways of healing is through writing. If you've been through a recent breakup, childhood trauma, grief, or any trauma for that matter, journaling is a way to process your emotions. This is a path of self discovery, for you to understand your thoughts, behaviors and triggers so you can become your best self.

If you're reading this, pause for a moment. Breathe. Feel your breath move through your body. This is vitality, life force moving through you. You're ready to make a change in your life. Your Higher Self will thank you, your inner child is ready and all past and future versions of you will be happy that you believed in yourself enough to want to change. 

Benefits of Journaling

*Increased awareness

*Better relationship with yourself and others

*Extremely cathartic! 

*Can help regulate moods & improve mental state

*Organize your thoughts

*Self reflection

*A way to practice mindfulness

*Develop a better sense of self & boost your confidence 

*A form of therapy - self therapy

*Manifest your goals and desires

*Set your intentions

Bottom line, it's a practice that if you stick with it you can really change your life.

How To Start

Let's be real, starting a journal can be a daunting task, especially if it's the first time facing your emotions. Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong way to do this, it doesn't have to be perfectly written or spelled, just let the words flow no matter how silly they may seem to be. As with any skill, it takes practice to get comfortable, so take the pressure off yourself, all you need is a pen and a notebook. 

I also recommend My 5 Minute Journal you can grab on amazon. This is a great journal for beginners to get you in the habit of writing, practicing mindfulness and reflection, with journal prompts and inspirational quotes. I suggest taking 5 minutes in the morning when you wake up to do this as that's when the stream of consciousness is most active. 

New moons and Full moons I journal at night by candle light with some crystals.  I like to connect with the energy of the moon cycle and use that to deepen my focus and inner growth. You can get a copy of my The Moon Said to Me: Moon Journal on Amazon 

Self Love 

You were born from love and spirit is always calling on you to remember that love is your true nature. When you make loving yourself a priority, you open yourself up to seeing love within, and inspire a life that feels rich and fulfilling. Writing down a simple action or affirmation daily can open your heart to access self love and align your energy to call in what you want, remember - where thoughts go, energy flows. 

*Where am I saying yes, When I would really like to be saying no?

*What is something new and exciting that I want to try?

*Is there something I need to allow myself to feel?

*What does my body, mind & spirit need?

*Are my thoughts supporting me? Can I choose more nurturing thoughts?

*Is there a challenging conversation I need to have?

*What can I forgive myself for?

*What unhealthy habits would I like to change?

*Where can I show myself kindness and compassion?

Inner Child

Your inner child is you. It’s a reflection of who you truly are before the world told you any different. It's where our insecurities, scarcity, lack and trauma started. The feelings of being unworthy, unloved and misunderstood are often deep rooted from our early years of life. Diving into your inner child will help you heal old wounds and understand how past trauma affects your present behaviors, you begin to uncover your true self, your dreams, rediscover your passions, purpose and values. 

*What did you love to do as a kid?

*Is there anything you did as a kid that you've been avoiding doing? How will the little girl/boy inside you feel knowing that you don't do these things anymore?

*When you were age 6-14 what activities did you enjoy doing?

*What would you say to your 11 year old self ?

*What can you start doing today that would make your younger self proud?

*Who were your childhood heroes growing up and what did you admire about them?

The Metaphorical Onion

Healing is non linear. It's forever a journey as we peel back the layers to better understand how we work. There will be ups and downs. Some days you will feel like you're making progress, other days you are in shock and disbelief on how far you have come. Then there are days where you feel like you're stuck in the mud and don't know what way is up. This is all part of the journey, the ebb and flow of life. Everyone has some kind of trauma, some more than others, all different. When we take the time to do the inner work, we can move through this unresolved trauma and align with our higher self. 

*What are your flaws? What ones can you work on? What ones can you learn to accept?

*Write down 10 things you like about your body

*What are the negative stories you tell yourself? How can you counteract it?

*What are your emotional triggers and how do you often cope with them ?

*Give yourself some compassion. Write down the things you need to forgive yourself for

*When do you feel loved by others and how can you start giving that to yourself?

*How do you feel about your childhood? Write a letter to your mom and dad about it (this is not to be sent, but to help you speak your truth)

*What are your greatest fears in life? How can you start facing them?

Life Goals & Manifestation

It's best to be specific about what you want. It shifts the focus from what happened in the past to a future you deserve. It gives you a sense of direction and aligns your energy so you can move forward and release what's no longer serving you. This is great practice to do on the New Moon cycle, as New Moons are all about inner work, new beginnings and planting the seed for the future. 

*Write a letter to your future self talking about your hopes and dreams.

*If money wasn't a thing what would you do?

*What struggle or sacrifice are you willing to tolerate?

*If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

*What are your top 3 values and how do you uphold them?

*What do you value most in life? Are your values aligned with your life? If not, what can you start doing to align with your personal values?

*What do I admire or envy most in others? 

*What's the one habit you want to consistently do for 365 days and why? What is the one habit you want to break?

*What's the one thing you want to leave behind in this world? What would be your legacy?

Journaling is a habit that can help you uncover parts of yourself that have long been hidden. It is a space where you can be brutally honest with yourself. I want to remind you to breathe. If you are new to this practice, give yourself some time and space, it does get easier. I've always found it helpful to pick a journal with a cover that resonates with how I feel. This is why I have multiple journals. One for Moon cycles, my dream journal that stays beside my bed. My deep healing journal for money wounds and ancestral healing. A playful one for my inner child and one called Rich Bitch for my manifestations. There is no right or wrong way to do this, it's about sitting in stillness and dropping into what you feel, allowing the words to flow from you, out your hand and onto the paper. Anytime you feel stuck, pause, breathe, get present in your body and feel. 

If you want to experience guided meditations and journal prompts in a live session,

I run Full Moon circles once a month online to help you grow, lean in and connect with the deeper parts of yourself while working with the energy of the moon!

Connect with me on IG to learn more 

Xo Roxy 

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