Pendulum 101 For Beginners

Pendulum 101 For Beginners

A pendulum is a simple but effective divination tool that has been used by humans for thousands of years. It connects directly to your own energy to access intuition, connect with your Soul, Higher Self and Spirit guides.

It works with your involuntary muscle movements, allowing you to bypass your conscious mind and go directly to the unconscious mind or higher self, the source of boundless knowledge.

It may sound a little woo woo at first, with a little practice, patience and trust you can connect easily with your intuition. Let's go over some of the basics and get you comfortable working with a pendulum.


When working with your pendulum it's important to also be in a heart centered energy. Take a few deep breaths, ground in your body and connect with your heart. Light a candle, drop into  a short meditation, sit in stillness and silence, you want to quiet your mind so you can truly connect with your Soul.

It's not a magic 8 ball or fortune teller. A pendulum is a tool for you to access your inner voice. Like anything, the more you use it, the clearer the answers become. You begin to identify the voice of your intuition. This is simply a tool to connect you with the deepest parts of yourself beyond your conscious mind. 

Like crystals, pendulums (often made of crystal) hold on to energy. It is important to clear your pendulum regularly or when you feel the need to (trust that inner feeling). There are a few different ways you can do this, my personal favorite is to bury it in the garden overnight to allow mother earth to do its thing. Run the stone under water, natural spring, moon or rain water. (Be sure to check if your pendulum is a water safe crystal). Smudge with sacred smoke or incense. You can hold over the flame of a candle and say a clearing mantra, the pendulum will swing until it's brought back to its original vibrational state. When the pendulum stops swinging it's clear.

The Moves

Begin by holding your pendulum in  the palm of your hands for a few minutes, this can help you form an energetic bond. Now we need to determine your yes from your no. Hold your pendulum with your dominant hand between your thumb, index and middle fingers a few inches above the palm of your other hand. Ask a question, keep it simple, my name is… I am…years old, etc. make note of how your pendulum reacts to your yes and no statements. 

You can also ask your pendulum to show you a yes, no and maybe and test it to make sure you have clear answers. 

Start small, as you begin to work with your pendulum, ask basic questions you already know the answer to, my dog's name is Bob, it’s raining today, my favorite color is blue. This helps to sync your energy with the pendulum as well as build confidence in asking further questions as you go along.

It's about getting comfortable with your pendulum the way you would any new tool. It may swing small, it still works! Don't expect it to swing big and clear right from the start, it takes time to build a relationship with your pendulum, remember to stay focused and open. This is why grounding your own energy and getting present in your body beforehand is important.

Building A Connection

The more you use it, connect and ask questions the more your energy syncs with your pendulum. It requires a little patience and trust on your part. As time goes on, the force of how your pendulum swings can represent the power behind the answer. For example a gentle swing could mean a non committed or approach with caution as where a full swing could be a whole hearted yes or no.

Pendulums are a divination tool, a way for you to connect you to your inner core and eternal energies, a way for you to build trust and learn the voice of your intuition. It can also be extremely helpful when feeling overwhelmed or alone when it comes to making decisions. Like anything, the more you use it, the more comfortable you become. 


I have always loved and been fascinated with crystals, science and metaphysical world. Using a pendulum is a clear way to show physical proof of energy. Our mind, our thoughts, our emotions, our bodies and everything in the universe is made of energy. When we shift our focus and look at the world through this lens, we can work to change our energetic field on the inside in order to shift our world on the outside. We are more in control of our life then we are made to believe. 

Let me know your favorite way to use your pendulum

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