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Creation's by Roxy

Crystals for Kids - Essential

Regular price $22.00 CAD
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Amethyst - I call this one the “mama” crystal. It is a healer that purifies and transmutes all negative energy and will help when someone is going through a transition (i.e death in the family, separation, anxiety, moving). Amethyst clusters are great to have in the bedroom for children with various disabilities or with emotional or physical pain. Has the ability to clear the room of any unwanted energies and bring balance.

Rose Quartz - holds gentle loving vibrations, good for children who have hurt feelings or aggressive tendencies, soothes erratic emotional states, anxiety, fear, compulsions and other mental disorders

Clear Quartz - master healer, known for its ability to absorb, store, and regulate the release of energy. It is considered to be the light bringer and when a child connects with the right one, the natural energy can be just enough to shift negative emotions, transform disharmonious thought patterns and even place the seed for spiritual growth. The clarity of its many faces can spark memory, hone concentration, and bring your whole being back to balance. Quartz clusters can organize scattered thoughts and deflect negative energies.

Selenite - provides a peaceful atmosphere, clarity of the mind and accesses angelic consciousness. Anchors the light body in earthly vibrations, a healing stone at the energetic level. Disperses and stabilizes erratic emotions and brings a conscious understanding of what's happening on the subconscious level.

Smoky Quartz - is an incredible grounding and cleansing stone with strong links to the earth that helps to clear blocks and keep you protected by absorbing electromagnetic smog. Is detoxing at all levels bringing a positive vibration. It can assist in dealing with stress, deep trauma and old toxic patterns all while keeping you anchored.