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Creation's by Roxy

Empath Crystal kit

Regular price $25.00 CAD
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Empaths are people who are highly sensitive and emotionally inclined towards others. Absorbing the moods, emotions and feelings of other as their own. Typically and introvert and can feel overwhelmed in crowded places. Alone time and solitude is necessary. Spending time in nature helps to recharge. 

This Crystal kit was made to help balance and protect your energy when needed. As an Empath myself I never go anywhere without my labradorite and Citrine.  

Obsidian - Blocks psychic attacks brings a cloaks of protective energy.

Smoky Quartz - grounds and deflects negative energy.

Amethyst - rebalance, protection, alleviates mental stress, anxiety and fatigue 

Labradorite - boosts intuition, protects from energy leakage and deflects unwanted low vibe energy. 

Citrine - doesn't hold onto negative energy but absorbs and transmutes it, and cleanses auric field.

Clear Quartz - master healer that absorbs, stores, regulates and releases energy. A light bringer highly connected with deep healing abilities.