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Creation's by Roxy


Regular price $34.00 CAD
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Fluorite is a highly grounding and protective stone with a calming energy bringing order to a chaotic mind. Helps with focus, clear thinking and creative inspiration. Connected to the upper 4 Chakras it increases intuitive abilities, cleanse, stabilize and protect the aura field.

The stone is great for any student, workspace or used in meditation. Has the ability to clear out negativity and allows you to feel the feels and not be weighed down by heavy emotion

Can act as a detox stone for clearing out toxic thoughts, patterns and addictive behaviors. Use at the onset of a viral infection to help flush the body of infection. 

Green Fluorite supports the heart, Purple gives you the energy to feel with your spirit, Blue holds the energy to be at peace with your mind, yellow holds the energy to maintain courage and self confidence