Serpentine raw
Serpentine-Boosts confidence, cleanses the mind and body purging negativity, while purifying your spirit. One of the best crystals for transformation helps you to release past emotions and trauma. It clears all chakras, opening the crown while stimulating psychic abilities and bringing new energy.
Serpentine is believed to rebalance digestion, eliminate parasites and aid in calcium and magnesium absorption. Making it a good stone for any problems with the heart and lungs as it is cleansing and detoxifying for the body and blood.
Good tool for therapists and practitioners in emotional healing sessions. Serpentine keeps focus on positive thoughts and supports the beneficial effects of neuro linguistic planning. Helps to heal emotional stress and heal the heart from emotional problems.
Serpentine is a great stone for meditation known to enhance meditative state and is useful in clearing blocks and stagnant energy in meridians and chakras. Good for shamanic journey work, regression therapy and progression therapy. Strong ties to awaken kundalini energy.